Thursday, October 11, 2012

Trimming Your Bangs: How To Avoid a Hair Disaster

I have had bangs on and off for years. I had them in middle school, high school, and now as a 21 year old. I've had bangs I blow dried with a round brush and wore them directly on my forehead and for the last several years I've had bangs that I sweep to the side. As you can imagine over the years I have learned a few lessons about trimming my own bangs. I think that trimming your own bangs is a smart thing to do since when your bangs start to grow out they kind of mess with the way the rest of your hair looks. The first tip is you need SHARP scissors. If you want to go to Walmart or Sally's and buy a pair of shears that's great, if not just get a brand new pair of scissors and only use them to cut your hair. Next, cut your hair when it is clean and styled in your everyday wear. This is how you wear it on a daily basis and "dirty" or second day hair sits differently than when you've just showered and styled your hair. My last tip is the most important tip I can bestow to you. TAKE A LITTLE BIT OFF AT A TIME! Once it's cut, it's gone. You can't go back. Pull your bangs to the front of your face using which ever hand you aren't using to trim your bangs (use the hand you write with to cut your bangs) hold the hair tight. Cut little bits off at a time, taking a break after each cut to check your progress. If you do that you will save yourself from having to pin your bangs back with a clip because they are just way too short. I hope my tips help you from some of the hair disasters I have inflicted upon myself. Be Fearless. Be Beautiful. Be You.

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